Submission to this journal proceeds totally online and you will be guided through the creation of your account and uploading of your files. Learn More
Simply register as a reviewer and accept review assignments of manuscripts relevant to your field of expertise. Learn More
A manuscript goes through a number of stages to ensure it adheres to journal requirements and standards. Learn More
Evaluation work requires the reviewer to complete the task by providing comments/recommendations on proposals, and submit these through the Submit Review page. Depending on your comments/recommendations, we may also invite you to review the revised manuscript.
The reviewer shall apply to the best of his/her abilities, his/her professional skills, knowledge and ethics, in accordance with the guidelines and time schedules provided by the CDD Journal.
Carrying out the work is subject to the reviewer’s availability and willingness to contribute in the review process.
The work will be undertaken voluntarily and without payment as a public service and in pursuit of science.
The reviewer acts as an independent person. He/she is deemed to work in a personal capacity and, in performing the task, does not represent any organization.
If for some reason the reviewer is not able to fulfill his/her obligations for an accepted work, the CDD Journal should be informed immediately.
The reviewer may not delegate another person to carry out the work.
The reviewer shall inform the CDD Journal immediately if he/she discovers any disqualifying or potential conflict of interest with any submitted manuscript that he/she is asked to review.
A disqualifying conflict of interest may exist if a reviewer:
was involved in the preparation of the manuscript;
stands to benefit directly should the manuscript be published;
has a close family relationship with any of the authors;
is a director, trustee or partner of author’s organization;
is in any other situation that compromises his or her ability to evaluate the proposal impartially.
A potential conflict of interest may exist, even in cases not covered by the clear disqualifying conflicts indicated above, if a reviewer:
was a colleague of the applicant organizations in a proposal within the previous three years;
is involved in a contract or research collaboration with an applicant organization, or had been so in the previous three years;
is in any other situation that could cast doubt on his or her ability to evaluate the proposal impartially, or that could reasonably appear to do so in the eyes of an external third party.
The reviewer:
Will be held personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any documents or electronic files made available in relation to completing the review;
May not discuss any manuscript or part of it with others;
Are not allowed to disclose any detail of the review and their outcomes or of any manuscript submitted for evaluation without the express written approval of the CDD Journal;
Are required at all times to comply strictly with any rules defined by the CDD Journal for ensuring the confidentiality of the review process and its outcomes. Failure to comply with these rules may result in exclusion from the immediate and future monitoring and review processes, without prejudice to penalties that may derive from other applicable regulations.
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Register only one e-mail account per person unless you have two or more roles (as author, as reviewer, etc.)
To change registered e-mail, go to My Account
Personal information are kept confidential
Materials lifted from the website should be cited properly
Manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publishing elsewhere
No part of the manuscripts is plagiarized
Publication has been approved by all co-authors and funding agencies, if any
Manuscripts may be withdrawn provided it is done prior the pre-production stage
It is the author’s responsibility to assure that no part of the manuscript has been plagiarized
CDD Journal may perform plagiarism check at its discretion
Any manuscript found to contain plagiarized contents will automatically be rejected
Conflict of interest exists when the reviewer has a personal, professional, or financial connection with the author(s)
Authors are required to declare all potential conflict of interest relating to the present and the past three years
CDD Journal implements double-blind review to prevent conflict of interest
Reviewers are encouraged to reject review assignment of articles they believe are possible subject of conflict of interest
The author maintains full ownership of works published in the CDD Journal
Submission to CDD Journal means that the author agrees to share the article online for free