Assessment of Adaptation to the Impacts of Typhoon Pablo (Bopha) in Eastern Mindanao, Philippines

  • Volume 3, Issue 1, August 2018

Typhoon Pablo (Bopha) was the most powerful storm to have hit the island of Mindanao, southern Philippines in more than 100 years of recorded storms. This paper identified the adaptation gaps in the post-Typhoon Bopha recovery and reconstruction based on roundtable discussion, household survey and conjoint analysis.

Tourism Industry Financing of Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Potential in Small Island Developing States

  • Volume 2, Issue 2, July 2017

In many small island developing states (SIDS), tourism is a principal driver of the economy and of infrastructure development. The SIDS’ tourism sector is, however, threatened by climate change impacts, which will likely incur high costs for climate change adaptation (CCA). 

The Role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Disaster Risk Management Strategies of Island Communities in Cat Hai, Vietnam

  • Volume 2, Issue 2, July 2017

The very real threat of climate change requires effective disaster risk management (DRM), especially in highly vulnerable ecosystems such as island communities. Past disaster experiences in different parts of the world have revealed the importance of integrating traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) with scientific fndings in managing disaster risk.

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