Disaster Preparedness Index of Households and Selected Local Government Units in Laguna, Philippines

  • Volume 5, Issue 1, October 2022

There is a need to strengthen disaster preparedness and resilience at all levels of society in the

country. This study was conducted to assess, based on capitals, the level of disaster preparedness

of selected households, barangays, and municipalities in the Province of Laguna.

Adaptation and adaptive capacity to flooding of farming households: Insights from Mabitac, Laguna, Philippines

  • Volume 2, Issue 2, July 2017

Vulnerability to flooding due to climate change results in limited access to resources, soil erosion and/or deposition, and reduced quality of water supply among others, affecting many farming communities. Recognizing the need to assess and better understand the adaptive capacity of farming communities, this study determined the effects of flooding and assessed the adaptive capacity levels of farming households in Mabitac, Laguna, Philippines as a case.

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