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Iderlina Mateo-Babiano
The University of Melbourne

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Transportation Resilience in the Global South: A Post-Haiyan Investigation in Tacloban, Philippines

  •   Received: 07 February 2017 / Accepted: 15 August 2018/ Published online: 31 August 2018


  • Environmental disasters impose significant physical stresses to a city, including its transportation networks.
  • Literature in transport and disaster resilience continues to be limited.
  • By using Tacloban as the empirical context, this paper could gain a better understanding of the mobility and accessibility challenges in a disaster context.
  • Transport resilience is a crucial component in building a resilient society.


Environmental disasters reveal the fragile condition of transport systems, particularly its capacity to address mobility and accessibility needs of people and communities immediately after an extreme event. This fragility surfaces particularly in resource poor regions, exposing the limited governance capabilities of formal institutions to effectively respond to challenges associated with people’s mobility and accessibility requirements after a disaster. Post-Haiyan offers a unique opportunity to study the transport dimension of disaster governance in the post-disaster recovery phase. By conducting systematic reviews, this study provided insights into how transport poverty is experienced by people and communities in Tacloban, Philippines as a result of a weakened transport system as well as the extent to which transport resilience is manifested in remobilization efforts. Moreover, the study tried to comprehend the extent to which mobility and accessibility challenges within the context of post-disaster recovery initiatives have been addressed and adequately mitigated. Results show that remobilization efforts can still be vastly improved to achieve a more resilient transport system. These insights are vital to: better address mobility and accessibility needs, realize more resilient systems, and improve local level disaster planning and governance in future disaster scenarios.



Vulnerability, Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster, Resilience, Transport, Philippines

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